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It felt like coming home during my first Reiki training. A little uncomfortable at first, since it was a long time ago that I connected so deeply with my feelings and intuition. However, the moment I started to open up and trust my abilities to heal, it felt like magic.

The power of the energy I experience while working with it, is not entirely new to me. Already as a child I would imagine sending healing energy to comfort a friend. I am very happy that I have reconnected with this power and can now share it with you in healing.

When receiving Reiki, sensations like warmth, flow, tingling or even nothing are common. The experience varies for each person and even differ from session to session. Reiki energy is omniscient, flowing to where it is needed most for you at that moment.

The effects may manifest immediately or in the period following the session. You might experience a moment of clarity or feel the need to rest more. Pay attention to these signals, as they show that your being is actively working to heal you. Support yourself in this process by allowing the rest your body and mind need.

Remote Reiki

The Reiki energy also works at a distance, allowing you the opion of receiving a healing in the comfort of your home. This is ideal for those who have already had a session and seek additional support later on or for those who wish to support a family member abroad.

We will have a brief call beforehand to discuss the focus or topic of the session. The session itself will last approximately 15-20 minutes, during which you can sit back and relax in a place where you feel comfortable and won't be disturbed. Opening yourself to the experience and the energy will allow the healing powers to perform their magic.

Koralijn - Hands remote healing - By Jamie-de-Leeuw-Photography
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